Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday March 5, 2007
ScVO2 and SVO2 - debate going on !!

There is an intensified debate about correlation between mixed venous (SVO2) and central venous oxygen saturation (ScVO2) since inclusion of ScVO2 as a marker in "River's early goal directed therapy" for sepsis. And publication of article:
Lack of Equivalence Between Central and Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation by Chawla and coll. in chest (2004)

We had previously posted pearl with references regarding this debate and recommended approach of its use. See our previous pearl
ScvO2 or SvO2 ?

Another attempt to look into this issue has been published recently in Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 298 comparative sets of samples from 60 adult patients were obtained, after a Pulmonary Artery Catheter and triple lumen catheter was inserted through right IJV. Mixed venous oxygen saturations and central venous oxygen saturations were compared.

The mean difference between Svo2 and Scvo2 was - 5.14

Study concluded that Scvo2 and Svo2 are closely related and are interchangeable.

Editor's note: One limitation of this study we noticed, is single type patient population with first 30 hours of post-operative period. Caution is advise before applying to all section of critically ill patients.

References: Click to get abstract/article

Lack of Equivalence Between Central and Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation Chest. 2004;126:1891-18962. Correlation of mixed venous and central venous oxygen saturation and its relation to cardiac index, Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, Year 2006, Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Page : 230-234