Friday, March 16, 2007

Saturday March 17, 2007
Anchor sutures at chest tube !

Falling off of chest tube is a major problem. Though never been tested in a clinical trial but applying 2 side by side anchor sutures along with mattress suture have been anecdotally said to void this problem. See step by step application of anchor and mattress sutures
here (ref. Eur. Respir. journal 1998; 12: 958-959) - pdf link

BTS guidelines for the insertion of a chest drain
Friday March 16, 2007
While removing IABP

While removing IABP (IntraAortic Balloon pump), it is important to keep manual pressure at site for atleast 45 minutes to avoid bleeding


DO NOT get tempted to peek during compression at site as it may wash away the building/immature clot with flush of arterial wave. It is also recommended to apply clamp for 60 minutes after manual compression as extra precaution against bleeding.

Note: Same apply for big bore catheters at femoral site